After seeing God heal thousands of adults through Healing Journey, we are excited to now offer the same healing and tools to young people. The curriculum is specifically geared toward high school students 14-19, although young adult populations may find this curriculum a good fit, as well.

The 27-week Bible study helps students discover God’s true character and their inherent value, giving them solid foundations of truth to guide their life-choices in healthy directions. Tools are taught and practiced, equipping students to successfully navigate painful events. The class boldly addresses hard questions such as Why is life so hard? Why does God allow painful things? Does God see me or even care?

Many Freedom Journey alumni have expressed how the class helped their relationship with God grow closer. Other students have said this: A great community where you can trust and feel safe. This class will really help any teen in any situation. My mom and I have gotten closer by communicating better.

For more information, read the curriculum outline.